A better way to Engage!

First Time Guest

We're so excited to meet you and we hope that we served you with great hospitality and impressed upon you an atmosphere that will bring you back another time and made you feel like you were right at home. We are Mount Calvary United Church of Christ.  A loving church that is "On THE MOVE FOR GOD, THAT WE MAY ALL BE ONE!"  If we can be of any assistance in your spiritual needs, we are here to help you on your journey.  We are "A Real Church, For Real People, Real Talk".

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My Next Step

I believe the Lord has call me to Mount Calvary. What do I do next?  If that is how you feel and you have said that I have been coming here and I love this atmosphere that you sense that this is a good place to put seed in the ground. If you are saying I sense the presence of the Lord calling me and my family to help in this ministry. Then we are so excited for you and what the Lord is doing and going to do in your life. We are a church with 128 years in ministry and we are here with open arms to carry you to your next steps in your spiritual journey. Let's Go! We're on the move!

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“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2nd Corinthians 5:17 KJV).” You been trying to figure out what is this that have been feeling. That nudge as if someone is tapping you on the shoulder. No need to worry or be afraid because here at MOUNT CALVARY we understand that Water Baptism can be an awkward expression on the outside that expressing that I'm taking a step based off of what I'm feeling on the inside.

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Prayer/Sick & shut-in

Life can be tough, but you don’t have to go through it alone. We want to help. Whatever you’re facing, we know that the first step to getting past whatever is holding you back is to reach out and talk to someone. What if the answer you need is one conversation away? Though our prayers do not change God's mind, He ordains prayer as a means to accomplish His will. We can be confident that prayer does change things—including our own hearts. ... R.C. Sproul argues that prayer has a vital place in the life of the Christian and calls us to come before God's presence with joy and hope.

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Infant Dedications

Would you like to have your baby dedicated?  Dedications for infants 18 months or younger, are scheduled with consultation with the Senior Pastor of Mount Calvary United Church of Christ. Contact the church office to schedule a dedication. Parents are asked to review and sign the dedication policy prior to scheduling the dedication. Godparents and/or family members may stand with the family during the dedication. The parents are presented with a certificate signed by the Senior Pastor after the dedication is completed.

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Rent Our Space

Can a church rent out there space? Yes, We are here to help!

In 1 Chronicles, Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request (4:10).

If you are interested in renting out our facilities, We are here to assist you with your future events and endeavors.

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